Monday, March 03, 2008

Birthing beliefs-

Because the first exhibition of these paintings is nearing, I expect more people will be checking this blog to find out more about the project as it is advertised in the press. So I thought it would be prudent to make a list or paragraph about what I believe about birth, so when people come here to find out more about the project, they can also read about my feelings around birth as well, and the reasons I would want to paint birth. This might be an ongoing list, as I'm sure I'll edit it as I think of things. I'll start very briefly as I'm pressed for time.
Birth is a feminist issue, as I said before. Birth is normal, natural and safe. The majority of women are capable of a natural, normal, safe, and healthy birth without intervention. The rest of women who need assistance should use medical services to aid them in acheiving a healthy baby, and sometimes medical intervention is necessary. When used apporpriately this is a good thing. I am not against doctors. I am not against hospitals. I do not want anyone to feel inadequate about their ability or guilty for their choices. But I believe birth can be profound, powerful, wonderful, awesome and holy. I believe it can be traumatic, painful, difficult and scary. I believe that our society shapes what we believe about birth, and our current state societal situation and 'birth model' could greatly be improved to benefit women and babies. I believe our society is affected by birth, and birth is affected by society.
I want to promote normal birth in a positive light. I want to see more midwives being used, becuase in a low risk pregnancy midwives are low interevention, often producing the most satisfying and healthiest outcome. I believe midwives are good for women, babies, families and even doctors. I also believe that right now a lot of women are being misled, misinformed and possibly even mistreated, and that had they known differently might not have made the choices they did.


Old Gates Farm said...

sounds great! i totally agree with you. :) and it's funny to read b/c i just watched the business of being born last night and woke up thinking exactly what you said!

A said...

Thanks kris! I think it's cute you said on the forum that you 'realized you weren't ready for birth again', although I'm not poking fun at you. I know what you mean though!