Thursday, November 11, 2010

All 9 Paintings from 'Living in the Body'

Here (finally) are photos of all 9 paintings I am exhibiting in 'Living in the Body'. Forgive the quality of some of the images, please, they were just taken while hanging on the gallery wall and in passing- proper edited versions will be put on the website soon. This at least gives the scope of the work. Listed below the peices are the titles and sizes in inches.
'Living in the Body: Milk and Honey' 49"x71"
'You've got roots, cannot be torn from under
Won't you shake it like you've never done before' 36"x72"
(F. Ford/Be Good Tanyas)
'Three little birds were on my doorstep
singing sweet songs, a melody pure and true,
this is my message to you...' 82"x59"
(B. Marley)

'She is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come' 50"x72"

'Ring the bells that still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering,
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in' 32"x53"
(L. Cohen)

'Curiosity far greater than the fear
It felt so simple, so prodigious at the same time
Incredible things are happening in the world
Magical things are happening in the world' 60"x48"
(Stereolab/Iron and Wine)

'And you took to me like a gull takes to the wind' 54"x36"

'It's a Human Thing (it's a girl?? it's a girl!!) 48"x36"
(Be Good Tanyas)

'The Delivery (oh my baby! oh, my baby!!) 36x48


  1. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.... Thank you so much! Tamara from Brazil

  2. I come back to your work time and time again. I'm so happy to see you're still painting images related to birth and children.
    Thanks for being an inspiration.

  3. Anonymous6:12 pm

    These are so beautiful. Thank you for your work- they brought me to tears.

  4. Anonymous4:21 pm

    I wish I could buy a print of this.

  5. Oh my gosh, this is the most BEAUTIFUL birth art I've ever seen!! Dreaming of being surrounded by your art while teaching childbirth education classes :-)
