Today both Annie and I gave short interviews, and then we had a photographer come by to shoot us while we were working together. The peice was for the show 'It's a Human Thing' and it features each of us in the show. For those local, look for an article in the Cottage Times next Wednesday. Jen (Posti) is also featured in the current edition of the Muskoka Magazine- we have really been blessed with the amount of exposure sent our way! All this in addition to the media release in all the papers that MAC does.
I finished the last painting. It was this painting that I was working on when the photographer was here- and I'm glad about that because it's one of my favourites. I finally resolved the background. All I need to do is touch-ups- and the titleing of course. That's always a hard job, seriously. I want these ones to matter.
I do hope the articles are accurate. I think the interviewer was discerning- she understood I didn't want to be adversarial, and that the subject is sensitive. Why is this issue so poignant and yet so personal? It must be because it is how we greet the new souls of the world, our children, our futures.
For fun I want to link my birth story of Evangeline for your reading pleasure. She was born on April 14 2007, and is my second baby, as so many of you know. Evangeline's birth.
Also, note that I added some links to birth and homebirth on the side. This is for those whose interest is piqued and want to do some more reading on the safety of homebirth, for example. I'm also going to compile a list of great books.
Aren't you dying for photos yet?
(I don't want to give it all away!)
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