No recent updates becuase I've been offline for over a week.
I'm working on what is likely my last painting for this show- it's going well, I'll share more about it later.
But what's on my mind lately is how the show will go. I suppose I'm showing work that's more shocking than my usual work, and it's more provocative. It's emotional, and a bit gory, only with one breast, a bit of blood, and the usual baby-birthing parts. ('Yes, dear viewers, babies are born, they come out of women, and that involves a bit of mess and anatomy') I have a client base that likes what I've produced in the past, but as an artist it is essential you don't paint to please your audience; unless you are by choice, a commercial artist. As a fine artist you need to paint your heart, your passions, your ideas, your arguements. Artists should be cultural critics.
I don't know how people will react. Sometimes my stomach flips a bit when I think about it. I admit it, I might be nervous. Will people like the paintings, will they be touched by the emotion? Will anyone be offended, grossed out? Will people be embarrassed that I painted such a thing? Perhaps it's not as shocking as I think- it's just paint, and who cares about art anyway? See, maybe people won't react, maybe nobody will care, nobody will say anything, the show will be inconsequential.
i'm sure people will react :) and i'm confident that their reactions will be wonderful! it's so real! but yet not as shocking as a photo would i think it makes it friendly for those who aren't exposed to birth like this... i think it will be great!