Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Etsy Shop!

Horray! I'm thrilled to share I've JUST opened an Etsy Shop. Please check it out here!

I have all the prints from the Birth Project Paintings available, as well as paintings both from the Birth Project Painting series and other subjects. Please share!
'Still water, laying over,
Still water, lay my body down over' (D. Lanois)
36 x 48 inches

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Giftcard Give-away!

I just love spring, and to celebrate I'd like to freshen things up with a GIVE-AWAY!  Recently it was Mother's Day and my work certainly celebrates mothers, so in honour of these two things I'd like to send someone four beautiful gift cards featuring four different images from the Birth Project.  These cards make a lovely gift or are perfect for notes to new moms, midwives, doulas, doctors, nurses, friends...the list goes on. They also look sweet in frames or on fridges, and are an easy way to share the paintings from the Birth Project in a small scale.  Sound good?

To enter, scroll to the PunchTab contest below, and  chose one of the ways to participate.  At the end of the give-away a winner will be announced! I'll even cover postage for the gift! Enjoy!

Cards may not be exactly ones shown.
Postage Paid

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Brooklyn Show at Carraiage House Birth

Welcome to the Birth Project, on display at Carriage House Birth, Williamsburg, Brooklyn!

We had an grand opening for Carriage House Birth on Friday, Feb 8, the night of the 'big snowstorm' in New York.

Even in a small space the pieces fit nicely, as if they were meant to be there.
Despite the snowstorm we had a lovely crowd gather that filled the space on Friday night for the opening celebration.

Enjoying the company!
Two babies crashed hard later on in the night.

An amazing spread of food which was devoured! 

Jethro enjoying some fruit, I love this with the painting in the background.

Me and Jethro, Domino and Cassius, my sister Genieve (my assistant) and sister-in-law Sarah and Scarlett (my graphic designer). Thankful for Domino's warm hospitality and the help from these girls.

Packing up- showing how neatly the paintings fit, even though they're quite large and the space was very small. You can't always estimate what might work in a small space!

The show continues at:
97 N 7th St, Williamsburg Brooklyn

and the paintings will be on display until April. Stop by to say 'hi' to the doulas and have a look at the paintings in real life! 

A great night! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Here are the boys reading under the watch of these two strong women. I brought this painting home to live with for awhile. It has so much to tell me; I know it well but not at all. I put a lot into this painting, and I was really drawn to both of the 'looks' that these two women give in real life. I wanted to paint these two figures because they're both very strong, sexy but vulnerable, grounded and sensuous, honest and proud.

The unique thing about original art is that it's so alive.  It will talk if you'll look at it often and give it room in your mind and life. A painting changes- with the light, your movement, the company and energy in the room, your mood, your circumstances.  It's an object, not a 'picture'. It has the energy of it's creator in it, and often for the artist, creating is a very spiritual event. It's sometimes a struggle, sometimes effortless, as if the painting paints itself.  We're just mediums, I believe. I do what I do because I'm called to do it.  And I receive my affirmation when I feel my work has taken on a life of it's own. I'm so blessed when I get to watch how a painting becomes somebody else's; when a painting emits this mysterious siren song, and the viewer reacts, feels drawn, becomes smitten and falls hard. Sometimes it's surprising, often it's perfect. They each have their story, they each have a mate. It's a love story!

Yes, this post seems a little silly.  But haven't you heard it, felt it? Haven't you heard an a piece of art calling?  Or noticed the magnetic pull of some pieces, even if they're not for sale? (If not, maybe you should get around some good art!)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Newest piece from the fall/winter

How we rise when we're born
like the ravens in the corn
on their wings, on our knees
crawling careless from the sea
God, give us love in the time that we have
God, every road takes us farther from home (Sam Beam)

Strangely, I haven't yet shared this piece. It's the newest one, and I still haven't decided whether it's finished or not yet. Perhaps some minor tweaking.  I've only exhibited it twice, and it was the only piece I brought home from the Brooklyn show with me. I'm glad, I wasn't ready to leave this piece, it's still unfamiliar to me, and I need to listen to and get some perspective on the women.