It really isn't cool at all to show a piece in progress; I may as well be standing in front of you naked, but I figured I would be reckless and share something half-finished. This is the peice I'm currently working on. It looks so much better in the photo than it does in real life- honestly! I was going to scrap it several times today, and I've worked on it for 2 weeks already. I just feel like I've been fighting with it, and there's so much yet to do on it. If I can stick it out I hope it will be a great peice. I'm so glad I took the photo because it has made me see it with 'new eyes'. Sometimes what you think you see isn't what's really there at all. And- for the record- the painting is crooked, it's not lopsided ;-)

Just a detail from the first peice. There is some glare in this photo- you can see it in the baby's forehead. I'll take better photos...one day, when I have time. Like, in about 22 years.